Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Call for Papers for 28th Annual International Conference of TESOL MACEDONIA-THRACE, NORTHERN GREECE

 Call for papers for the TESOL MACEDONIA-THRACE, Northern Greece 28th Annual International Conference [Online] 

After two years of limbo and silence our Association is back in action with its first ever Digital Conference, which will be held on Saturday 1/4 and Sunday 2/4 on Zoom. 

Confirmed Plenary Speakers (so far) include: 
               Dr Randi Harlev                   Mr André Hedlund                          Dr Angelos Bolla

Topic of the conference 
The full title of our conference is ''To TESOL or not to TESOL: Teachers at the helm of their professional development'' 

 By choosing this topic we aim to put teachers, their development, their career paths, their CPD and their on-going professional transformation in the centre of the topic. How does the growth of teachers affect learners, the materials as well as the field of ELT? How does technology and PLS assist in this effort?  
Join our conference by submitting a call for papers. All presentations last 45 minutes. 

Link to the Google Form:
Deadline: 17th February 
Membership for Speakers: 25 euro 

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