Monday, January 6, 2020

Warm wishes for 2020 and upcoming events!

From all of us at the TESOL MTH board, 

Along with our wishes for a successful and well-balanced 2020, please pencil in the date of our next Webinar with  Eugenia Carrión Cantón: Saturday 11th January 2020 at 17:00.    

Eugenia is a qualified EFL teacher, teacher educator and curriculum developer from University of Tierra del Fuego and IPES Paulo Freire and Member of FAAPI Executive committee.  

The speaker tells us about the session 
"Puppetry as a technique provides exciting opportunities for foreign language learners of all ages to express themselves in communicative situations. Moreover, puppet use has shown evidences of the powerful educational advantages fitting with Play theory, Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) theory, and Multiple Intelligence theory. This workshop will share some ideas regarding the importance of using of puppets in diversity of learning contexts, will provide practical situations to incorporate puppets to benefit all children´s enjoyment and learning and will foster puppetry making.''

If you are interested in attending, note that our webinar will be held on Saturday 11/1/2020 from 17:00 to 18:00The link to the Google form is

Please note that the link will be sent about 45 minutes before the beginning of the session and all participants need to mute their microphones. If you have questions, you can use the chat box. A short Q and A session will follow at the end of the session.

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