Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - How many days until Christmas Day? With Angeliki Voreopoulou

The anticipation of Christmas can be exploited and enhanced by creating with ourstudents a Christmas Advent Calendar.  This Calendar will not reveal chocolate treatsand candies but activities that will enhace Christmas spirit along with opportunities topractice English language.

Exploit Christmas anticipation by creating an Advent Calendar that will enhance Xmasspirit along with  English language!

Presentation Slides: 

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Rain deer headband with Vasiliki Papadopoulou Maria Spiliotopoulou

How we can make a rain deer Christmas craft.
 It will be a headband out of cardboard.

Presentation Slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Christmas Cooking in the Classroom with Despina Karamitsou

How recipes can be used to teach Christmas vocabulary and vice versa.
Let's make a tasty snowman, next to a mouthwatering Christmas tree and devourdelicious gifts all wrapped with love.

Presentation Slides:

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Xmas Crafts in my classroom with Evgenia Chonta

Find out the benefits of craft plus a couple of ideas to use in class.

Presentation Slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Santa Claus "Ho Ho Ho" quiz with Lana Lemeshko

First I'd like to mention that the idea is not mine, I've taken it from one of the members ofESL Printables, I've adjusted it to the level and needs of my students (Pro[ciency level,getting ready for taking ECPE test). Students are divided into two teams and each teamis given 10 cards with prompts - word description. All the deciphered words have "ho" inthem. Like this we revise some of the vocabulary that students have been taught(HOspitable, HOstile, HOof, HOarse, HOver, HOmicide, HOrn, sHOwy, HOmesick,sHortcoming). Both teams look at the cards and have to come up with the correct word.Whichever team got all the words correct frst wins.

Ho Ho Ho - Santa Claus is here to help us revise vocabulary.

Presentatio Slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Christmas Carols Hunt with Ourania Repanou

The students solve riddles or answer questions related to Christmas and every time theyanswer correctly they collect part of the lyrics of a popular Christmas song which iswritten on a piece of paper. The questions and lyrics are placed in numbered envelopeswhich are scattered around the class/school. The correct answer leads to the nextenvelope, where the lyrics and another riddle is found. If students give a wrong answerthey will be led to an empty envelope, so they will have to reconsider their choice. Thegame continues until students have collected all the pieces of paper. They then have toput them in the correct order and sing the song.

An exciting game which reinforces reading, speaking, team work and fun!

Presentation Slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - If I lived in a Snowglobe with Marianthi Tachatou

A fun Christmas activity combining grammar and creative writing with an interesting Christmas craft!

 The aims of the activity are:  
  • To practise the 2nd conditional.
  • To practise the verbs of senses.
  • To engage in creative writing. 
  • To have fun creating an impressive Christmas craft.     

The materials that we need are:
  • Black paper (canson type) or whatever colour you like.
  • Plastic bowls.
  • The writing template (on the internet). 
  • A small photo of each student. 
  • Coloured pencils or crayons. 
  • Artificial snow. 


We put the bowl and the template together and we cut the canson paper accordingly or let the students do it! We hand out  the  template and students stick it to the bottom. We read  the sentences and elicit answers. We can write some suggestions on the board for weaker students. We read the sentences and elicit answers. We can write some suggestions on the board for weaker students. Then, students write their  answers,  stick  their  photo  in  the  middle  of  the  snowglobe  and  draw  a  Christmas  scenery. Alternatively  they  can  draw  themselves  on  a  piece  of  paper.  Finally,  we put  some  snow  in  the  middle and glue the plastic bowl. Our snowglobes are ready!  We can display them in the form of a Christmas tree on the school notice board.

Presentation Slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Christmas Flipbooks with Panagiota Gkiaouri

This is a presentation on how to make a Christmas Flipbook and some activities on how to use it with your students.

Presentation slides:

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Christmas Fun is On with Aphro Gkiouris

Every last week before our Christmas school break, we  ALWAYS leave the course books aside and start enjoying Christmas! Actually, it all starts much earlier about a month before Christmas, I put up our Advent calendars, full of surprises inside! This is when all the fun starts! We continue with our 4th graders short Christmas plays rehearsals and our artistic Christmas cards (to be offered to our Christmas show guests) and we conclude with the Christmas games and activities week!! I'm sharing a game- or maybe two - that have really worked with my students, this year!

Christmas Charades: A traditional game with a Christmas twist...
  • Put the class into two teams. 
  • Give each team a set of cards. 
  • Explain the rules: One person from each team starts. He/she will select a card. on each card is written the name of a song, book or film (with a Christmas link). He/she must then mime what is said on the card to the rest of his/her group. No speaking is allowed. 
  • First, we should mime the category, ie song-open hands around mouth, book- open hands in a book reading pose and projector-like pose for a film. 
  • Star wars! 
  • Also, explain symbols for "little words" eg T shape for "the", thumb and forehead together for "little word" etc. 
  • When the team guesses the first one, the second person can take a card and so on. 
  • The winners are the first team to mime and guess all their cards correctly.

    New Year acrostic poem 
  • Each student should refer to something they would like to achieve/change/have or not have for this year. eg This year I'd like to have 
  • 2 large pieces of chocolate cake every day 
  • 0 worries and problems 
  • 1 big brown bookcase 
  • 7 months of vacation 
  • See you there!What time is best? 

   Presentation slides: 

A Jamboree of Christmas Activities - Christmas Magic through e-Twinning with Katerina Kyriakidou

Feel the magic of the Christmas spirit through e-Twinning! A wonderful idea that will surely  motivate  your  students  to  use  their  English,  do  research  without  nagging, explore  their  artistic  talents  and  create  friendships with  total  strangers...that  may  last forever!   Students  learn  through  collaboration  about  the  customs  and  traditions  that different European countries  have and engage  in  wonderful Christmas activities such as  preparing  homemade  cards  &  e-cards  with  Christmas  wishes,  singing  beautiful traditional  Christmas  carols  and  taking  photos  of  Christmas  decorations,  special events and happenings in their hometown so that all countries involved in the project have a glimpse of how Europe celebrates this festive season of the year!

Presentation slides:

Saturday, November 26, 2016

TESOL MTh Christmas Event

Christmas is round the corner and this is the best time  to celebrate with a TESOL 
Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece! 12 presenters will deliver 10 minute inspirational presentations all featuring amazing Christmas activities you can do in class the last few days before the holidays! 

Date: 11th December 2016 
Time: 18:00-21:00 (and perhaps a bit later!)
Place: New York College Egnatia 138, Kamara Area 

The executive board of TESOL MTH, Northern Greece would like to thank New York College, Ms Eleftheriadou, Administrative and Academic Director of NYC Thessaloniki  and Ms Malkogiorgou, Academic Director of the English Department of NYC for sponsoring the venue of the event. 

The speakers & their presentations are:

-Ourania Repanou
"Christmas Carols Hunt"

-Aphrodite Gkiouri
"Christmas fun is on!"

-Angeliki Voreopoulou
"How many days until Christmas Day?"

-Bogiou Theodora
"Personalised bookmarks and Reindeer card holders."

Despoina Karamitsou
''Christmas Cooking in the Classroom."

-Despina Vardaki & Elpiniki Psomataki 
"Let's all giggle and wiggle!"

-Lana Lemeshko: Santa Claus
"Ho, Ho, Ho'' quiz

-Vasiliki Papadopoulou & Maria Spiliotopoulou
"Rain deer headband."

-Panagiota Gkiaouri
"The Flipbook that can make Santa's Party Go Crazy."

-Katerina Kyriakidou
"Christmas Magic through e-Twinning!"

-Marianna Tachatou
 "If I lived in a snowglobe"

Evgenia Chonta
 "Xmas Crafts in my classroom"

On a more festive note Dr. Luke Prodromou of ''Luke & Friends'' will present the following short plays: 

The ticket InspectorHerakles Poure, Greek detective, Santa and the Customs Officer.

Luke with be performing along with:  
Maria Theologidou
Manolis Kontovas
George Raptopoulos
Aspa Georgopoulou
Christos Mavridis
Vicky Saran
Agis Kokkos

This Christmas TESOL MTH, Northern Greece is honoured to have Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού as a guest at our Christmas Event.  There will be a charity bazaar, so be ready to support this good cause. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all and celebrating the most glorious season of all! 

Friday, October 14, 2016

TESOL MTh Christmas Event

Would you like to share your ideas? Would you like to participate in full action, stand out and present? Here is your chance! Follow the link and submit your activity or full presentation: 

 Submission deadline: Sunday, November 6th 2016 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

TESOL MTh Welcome Back Day Conference

Three talks, three exceptional ladies
Two workshops.

Speaker: Prof. Angeliki Athanasiadou 
Title: Current research in Cognitive Linguistics and its application to areas of English                      grammar.

Language, including its grammar, is part of human cognition; it is motivated and usage-based, and its primary function is to convey meaning. The aim of this presentation is twofold: first, we will place cognitive grammar within the Cognitive Linguistics framework and discuss its basic tenets, and secondly, we will see how these basic assumptions contribute to the interpretation of temporal units.  A situation is grounded in reality (tense) and in potential reality (modality) from the speaker’s viewpoint. Through this approach, in which meaning is conceptualization, I will consider how time is conceptualized and expressed in the system of English and, in particular, what special role modality has in the English language.

Speaker: Ms. Ioanna Ntaidou
Title: Gamified Activities Using Sticky Notes.

As an educator do you want to involve all the students all the time, make them want to learn and look forward to the lesson, keep them alert and motivated and make them active learners? Then, all you have to do is attend the “Gamified Activities Using Sticky Notes” workshop, get a resource kit with highly engaging, interactive, fun, game-like activities and be inspired. 

Speaker: Ms. Foteini Malkogeogou
Title: Children have only one path of learning.

Children’s foreign language education presents multiple challenges as it requires from the language educator to address first two fundamental questions; how do children learn and perceive the world around them? And how can they learn a foreign language? Then in order to meet the children’s needs there is a third challenge; how do we, the teachers, overcome the limitations of the classroom?

Meet our Speakers

Angeliki Athanasiadou is Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the School of English at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. She holds an M.A. in Theoretical Linguistics and a Ph.D. in General Linguistics. Her teaching and research interests are in the framework of Cognitive Linguistics and, in particular, in the relation of areas of grammar with cognition, the study of Metaphor Metonymy, the language of Emotions. Her publications include four books (On Conditionals Again, A. Athanasiadou, R. Dirven (eds.), CILT series 143, J. Benjamins/Amsterdam, 1996, pp. 414, Speaking of Emotions: Conceptualization and Expression, A. Athanasiadou, E. Tabakowska (eds.), CLR series 10, Mouton de Gruyter, 1998, pp. xxii, 444, Γνωστικές Ανιχνεύσεις στη Γλώσσα και στη Γλωσσολογία (Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics), A. Athanasiadou and M. Milapides, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, 2004, pp. 348, Subjectification: Various Paths to Subjectivity. A. Athanasiadou, C. Canakis, B. Cornillie (eds.). Mouton de Gruyter, CLR series 2006) and articles in books and international journals.

Ms Ioanna Ntaidou is the Founder, The LE.G System (Learning Gamification System). She is an EFL teacher, a CaMLa examiner and an NLP Practitioner.

 Foteini Malkogeorgou MA in Educational Technology and TESOL, University of Manchester, UK / RSA Dip Cambridge ESOL
Academic Manager of the English Department and the BA (Hons) in English and English Language teaching Program of the University of Greenwich, NYC  Thessaloniki Campus.
Lecturer in Linguistics, Methodology of teaching English as a second language, and Language Teaching Desing. 
EAP Lecturer at Middlesex University London.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Playing Games in the EFL Classroom - Report on Maria Karatsali’s Session

On 25th June 2016, at the TESOL Macedonia- Thrace Northern Greece Summer Event, Mrs Maria Karatsali, successfully demonstrated the significance of incorporating games in the learning process in her exceptional talk titled "Playing Games in the EFL Classroom". 

                                                                                                                                                                     Photo by Efi Tzouri
After sharing with us how deeply she understands the value of playing games herself and the profound impact they have on learners’ learning process, she continued by presenting some interesting facts from the past. To mention a few: starting with Ancient Greece, Plato highlighted the importance of games in education 2500 years ago and Socrates, for some the greatest teacher ever, was teaching through games. Vizyinos introduced Europeans to the importance of games in education in the 19th century. In fact, his dissertation changed entirely the until then strict European pedagogical approach. As we can see then, games is very much a Greek story.

What is also true about games is that they are not a "simple thing". They are not just having fun with our students. With the right handling, learners can be benefited by improving their speaking, writing, listening and grammar skills in a remarkable way. However, how easy is it to start one in a full classroom? Do we need some meditation? Do we have to clear our minds a little bit first? According to Mrs Karatsali, this is the key to success in a game. She immediately went on to help attendees reach a deeper state of consciousness by encouraging them to start counting up to fifty and backwards while enjoying some relaxing music. A few minutes later feeling relaxed and comfortable, the people in the room came alive when she let the Games begin!

                                                                                                                              Photo by Efi Tzouri

Flip the Picture, Describe and Draw, Palermo, Treasure Hunt, Bag at a Bus Stop and Pictionary were presented, all participants were instantly carried away and it wasn't long until a lively, playful atmosphere was created. To top things off, she not only explained each game carefully, but also joined attendees in the game fun! 

And now for the games themselves! "Flip the Picture" is a game that focuses on practicing writing, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. Students see a picture and try to note down as many words as they can in order to describe it with what they can remember of it. Then, they should exchange paper sheets and compare their descriptions to others'. "Treasure Hunt" is a fun way to improve writing, vocabulary and reading simply by searching to find the well-hidden treasure in spots around the classroom.

                                                                                                                               Photo by Efi Tzouri

Are your learners good at painting? Then, why not use the "Describe and Draw" game? It is also an excellent way to practice speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary! Are you feeling a bit lazy and want some action? Do you think it is high time you added an element of surprise and anticipation in classroom? "A Bag at a Bus Stop” is a fun TPR game that can bring some suspense, yet help your learners remember that tricky vocabulary. Last but not least, “Palermo” is the right game for those who are into investigating and need a gentle push when it comes to their speaking and grammar.

Of course, Mrs Karatsali did not stop surprising everyone. She really rejuvenated us all when she kindly asked us to close our eyes, pick a favorite place and stay there for a while. We tend to be happier when we find ourselves in a place we really enjoy.  But most importantly, she reminded us that we need to remember to laugh. Besides, she asked us, have we ever wondered to what extent games can change the way we assume control of our own lives?

                                                                                                                             Photo by Efi Tzouri

Back to their value for teachers and learners alike, we can see that games help us all. Teachers can reflect on their teaching process and experience in a number of brilliant ways: games help us focus and achieve goals. They can promote optimism within the classroom and help students and teachers establish stronger relationships. Games make us better people and what is more, within the EFL classroom they develop trust, promote collaboration and most importantly encourage problem solving. Mrs Maria Karatsali closed her inspiring and really motivating talk by reminding the attendees of one simple yet fundamental teaching principle; Teachers Paint the Future of the Children. They Paint the Future Children. We can make it Dark or We can make it Bright - Our Choice, Our Game…

Report by Dimitra Christopoulou

Welcome to the SEETA WORLD: 10 Teachers’ Associations - One on-line Community - Anna Parisi, Nora Touparlaki and Rea Tsougari's Session

We had the rare opportunity and pleasure to hear and learn personally from the founders of SEETA the history behind this on-line community of TAs, the current affairs, and future perspectives of the South Eastern Europe Teachers’ Association. 

Anna opened the presentation by giving some facts about how it all started and how this virtual platform has grown to become an important community with about 5,600 members. SEETA was set up in 2007 by TESOL MTh and went live in 2008 in Belgrade. Anna guided the audience through the Internet site (real-time log in for attendants) and showed the opportunities members have in relation to blogs, presentations, and webinars.

                                                                                                                                                                 Photo by Efi Tzouri

Rea demonstrated live a film and webinar which are available on the platform for users and members that give great help, advise, and inspiration for issues concerning teaching English as a foreign language. We even had the pleasure of a live skype meeting with one of the members, G. Georgieva, from BETA Bulgaria, who talked about the benefits of this Association. As an example she named the on-line closed courses which can last from 1 week up to 2 months and come with a certificate. Furthermore, one can find very specific tips, like teaching young learners, on the SEETA platform.

                                                                                                                              Photo by Efi Tzouri

When Nora took over the presentation, she gave us an insight on the various blogs on the SEETA site, including lesson plans, teaching tips, exchange of ideas, as well as inspiring and motivating topics. She urged all of us to join as active members this fantastic opportunity of professional blogging. 

The presentation closed with Anna giving more details on a current research project which will be published in an e-book and made available to the community.

Report by Kyriaki Koukouraki

TESOL Macedonia Thrace Summer Event 2016

Snapshots in our memory box from a wonderful TESOL Macedonia Thrace Summer Event.


Thursday, June 23, 2016

TESOL MTh Summer Event

Two talks, four exceptional ladies!
Added bonus: Wine party, food and singing!

Speakers: Anna Parisi, Nora Touparlaki, Rea Tsougari
Title: Welcome to the SEETA WORLD: 10 Teachers’ Associations - One on-line community.

Anna, Nora, and Rea will take you on a guided tour around SEETA, a unique online community of teachers’ associations in South Eastern Europe. 
Find out what’s on SEETA: online teacher development courses, webinars, collaborative projects, blogs, teacher resources, discussion forums and much more! All for free if you are a member of TESOL Macedonia –Thrace Northern Greece.
Join us to find out about the SEETA Research Project and how you can present in the SEETA /IATEFL online conference in December 2016. Anna, Nora, and Rea will answer all your questions on how SEETA operates, they will explain how you can be involved and introduce you to TAs in the region during a live connection at the event! 

Speaker: Maria Karatsali
Title: Playing games in the EFL classroom.

Games develop trust, promote collaboration, create optimism, encourage problem solving, make us focus, help us learn.....Games make us happy.
Games make us better people. So......Let us PLAY!!!

20:00 – 21:00 
Wine Pary & Finger food along with some music

Don't miss TESOL Macedonia Thrace Northern Greece Summer Event!

                                                            Meet our Speakers

Nora Tourpalaki
EFL/ESL teacher. MA in TESOL University of Nottingham, British Council e-moderator, IH London certified online tutor. 

She has been involved in Seeta community for many years and currently she is serving the board as a Treasurer. She never misses the chance to participate in the closed courses and webinars which help her a lot with her professional development. 

Rea Tsougari
EFL teacher, SEETA Articles Bank Coordinator – Newsletter Editor & Designer, former TESOL M.Th, N.Greece Vice Chair

Rea has been an ELT teacher for several years and has just earned the Cambridge CELTA Certificate (Pass A). She has taught students of all ages and levels and has also served as an Educational Consultant in a chain of English Language Schools. She has examined for various exam bodies and has been a judge at the Panhellenic Forensics Association Tournament. She has served the TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece board for 4 consecutive years as a Vice-Chair and a Treasurer. She has been a supporter of the SEETA project since day one and was one of the founding members on the SEETA board. Rea is the SEETA Articles bank Coordinator and the SEETA Newsletter Editor and Designer. In addition, Rea holds a degree in Accounting and Finance of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki.


                                                                             Anna Parisi
 Teacher & Teacher Trainer, Director of Studies Access, SEETA Project Leader.

Maria Karatsali
Director of StudySpace Teacher Development Centre.

She is a Cambridge approved tutor for CELTA and DELTA. She has worked in Japan, Spain and the UK. 

Poetry in Motion: A Kinesthetic Poetic Approach - Report on Vassiliki Mandalou and Efi Tzouri's Session

Vassiliki and Efi, jolly as always, welcomed their audience with music playing. They started out by talking about the Genesis of poetry and motion with a reference to the ancient theatre chorus. 

                                                                                                                       Photo by Maria Vlachopoulou

Then, they went on to talk about the public Literary Program, “Poetry in Motion”, which was developed in 1992 by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and  the Poetry of Society of America and aimed at making the transportation more enjoyable. “Poetry in motion” placed poetry in the transit systems of cities throughout the country and was launched to reach the nearly 7 million daily commuters of New York City. Soon it appeared in other cities, too, such as London. 

Next, they referred to a documentary entitled “Poetry in Motion”, featuring contemporary North American Poetry and music. Some of them were Black Mountain Poets, Beats, minimalist poets and avant-garde poets.

Then it was time for the participants to express their opinions on how they perceive the phrase “poetry in motion” and write their own examples to illustrate it! Some really nice examples were heard! Then Vassiliki and Efi provided us with some of the meanings this phrase may take, such as beautiful, divine etc.

                                                                                                                  Photo by Maria Vlachopoulou

Following they illustrated the notion of “Poetic Felt Space” as the “embodiment of poetry as Dance Movement Imagery”. The development of a performance installation entitled Living Lens as an “extended body of nerves” was an example of this.

They went on to outline the educational value of “Poetry in Motion” as describing elements of poetry, performance and movement, explaining how movement and poetry can be combined, using a variety of physical levels to communicate emotions, voice techniques, tableau and movement  to add meaning to a piece of poetry. All these lead to experiencing a variety of interpretations of a piece of poetry and identifying how choices in the performances highlight a variety of meanings in the piece of poetry.
And then the participants were asked to divide in groups of four and write their own poems: an exercise to unlock the poetry within, as Vassiliki and Efi put it!

                                                                                                                  Photo by Maria Vlachopoulou

After writing their poems groups had to get up and perform them with movement! The exercise was enjoyable, to say the least! Different people came together, wrote their poems and the result was either amusing or romantic or funny or touching but in every case interesting!
The workshop was a unique experience for all participants who had the chance not only to learn about “poetry in motion” but also find out what it’s all about themselves!

Report by Maria Vlachopoulou