Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Meet Our Speakers - Dina Dobrou & Bobby Zlatkov

Speaker: Dina Dobrou
Title: Dream it. Be it. The Power of the Human Brain in Education
When it comes to teaching and learning, one tool is of utmost importance: the brain. Do we know how it works and how it can be used for optimal results? In this experiential workshop you will attend a sample lesson of what it feels like to be able to harness the power of the brain and you will discuss the learning and Professional Development opportunities that derive from it.

About Dina: DipTrans, CELTA, EFL Teacher at British Council Greece

Speaker: Bobby Zlatkov
Title: Read ON
Encouraging students to read is a grand thing and maybe I am expected to give a universal recipe for this. Unfortunately, this is virtually impossible. 
Instead, I am going to share 5 very simple ideas which some of you may have already thought about, but which are tried and tested and which you will find useful for your classes.

About Bobby: CELTA & DELTA, senior teacher and teacher trainer, Sofia, Bulgaria

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